Friday, May 8, 2015


I did it again!  How am I ever going to call myself a "blogger" if I fail to keep up with the blog?  SO much has happened worth writing about.  We took an amazing hike on a fabulous camping trip!  (And I baked red velvet from scratch over the campfire!)  We've had baseball season going on.  We did another camping trip and another fantastic hike.  (The hike in which I learned that when my husband says "I hiked this trail with the Scouts.  You guy's will love it."  he really means "I'm going to get bored, and while I've not looked at any trail maps, I'm gonna mix it up and get us really, really lost adding miles and hours."  And I'm learning more and more about food.  I'm edging closer to my AIP diet change.  Batch cooking, tricks with new ingredients, Co-op memberships, online ordering for really hard to find ingredients..... SO much to write about.  I'd promise I'll catch up, but we've learned how that turns out.  So I'll promise this:  I'll try to catch up.  But if not, at least I'll try to post more anyhow.