Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose.

I have an herb and flower garden going in on the gravel side of the driveway... but I've long wanted roses on the rock side.  In particular, I want a rainbow of roses... purple at the top, red at the bottom, and a favorite variety of every color I can find in between.  I have my purple (still picking between Guy and Mitch for the name, as Singin' the Blues is the variety, and Guy Mitchell sang the song), and I have a lighter pink, though she needs some love.  She's nothing fancy, just a very basic pink rose, I can't even remember the name of the variety (hopefully the little metal tag is still there), but I love her anyhow.  This was an idea I'd thought of nearly a decade ago, but I had a neighbor who objected, so I abandoned the idea.  That neighbor no longer lives at that house, so damn the torpedoes, I'm moving full speed (or maybe half speed) ahead!

I never thought I'd want roses.  Only ever really knew the ones in the grocery store, and those get boring.  But years ago, when we first moved to Bellingham, the old house we were renting had a huge rosebush out front that became my first clue that growing your own isn't as boring as the store ones.  Then I won the pink one in the driveway at a raffle. It's not even a fancy one, but I love it. It needs better soil, which is why it still needs some love.  (It's surviving, and even blooms every year, but it's not growing much.)

Topping it all of was when I fell in love with the Singin' the Blues variety... and then killed mine.  I started the search for another, and along the way was introduced to more, fascinating varieties.  And even better, my fabulous friend has been periodically showing me her roses as they wake up for the season, and I'm just loving them.  She's got two in particular that I'm just in love with.  They're beautiful, and they smell incredible!  One dang near looks like it glows in the dark, and I'd bet good money that it looks even more impressive when the light of sunset hits it.

So, I'm revisiting the idea.  One of the things I want to make sure of is that I plant something between them to help hid the base of the plants.  I think that's about the only part I still don't like, the bare lower branches.  I have a peony already planted in the spot, and some blueberries, I betcha I can make this work out nicely. 

Another thing to think about is the actual spot to plant.  The area is a sharp drop to the neighbor's driveway.  It's covered in plastic landscape material, and then covered with rocks.  I tried before just cutting through the material to plant, but I have learned that the soil beneath is just not worth it, and may be risking heavy erosion by cutting the plastic.  So I think I'll have to build some sort of planters.  But I'll want to make sure they're anchored safely... I wouldn't want some sort of washout to take them to the bottom of that drop.  I even wonder if there is something I can do with the big pile of river rock I'd snagged from another neighbor when she redid her yard!  That would be cool...

So I'm back to learning about the different categories of roses, and trying to pick favorites.  I'm mostly searching online, but hope to take field trips to see and smell them in person before actually buying them.  I'm also hoping to successfully learn how to root cuttings, 'cause I'm totally wanting to steal a stick or two from the ones my friend has.  😋  I've come to the conclusion that if I fall in love with too many of any color, there's room in the backyard for more.  Hahaha!  Especially along the wall along the west side of the house.  Maybe even to the east side!  It may or may not actually happen in the long run, and it may take me a couple/few years like usual, but I'm excited to be inspired again.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

And There It Is.

   On Valentines day 2017, my Doctor has finally given me the diagnosis I knew was coming.  I've been sick for a long time, and about a year and 1/2 ago it was pointed out to me by my dear friend that my symptoms really seem like I have something going on and I might want to look in the direction of autoimmune.  After a year and 1/2 of back and forth (probably dragged out through my lack of communication and self confidence as much as his stubbornness) with the doc, some really scary moments (Needle biopsy to the throat, anyone?  I get to keep at that one here and there in the future too.) I finally got the bloodwork I'd been looking for, and it proves it... I'm not crazy.  (Well, not out of the ordinary)  I'm not a hypochondriac.  I'm not just being lazy, brain dead, or wimpy.  All the mood swings, the aches and pains, the multiple general but impactful symptoms... It's not in my head.  I have a real, honest to God, there it is, showing in my blood, condition. 

   My body is trying it's best to kill my thyroid.  My body is working in overtime to try to keep my hormones at level, while it tries so hard to kill off the component that produces those hormones, and is in doing so, throwing me way out of whack.  I've likely been sick for a very long time, as I was symptomatic for at least a year or two before I was nudged in the right direction.  I just got back from the Doc's office, where I got the official word... Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.  And now I get to start treatments, which means tinkering with hormones, until they get level, so if I get extra kooky, above and beyond my usual, please forgive me. 

   I have to tell you, I couldn't be happier.  It's real.  It's treatable.  I wasn't making it all up.  And it's something I've been already working on at home by changing diet and lifestyle.  (Restarting that same program from scratch as I speak, even.)  So I've got a head start.  For those of you that have been in the know, thank you for putting up not only with my repeating myself over and over, but for sticking by me and being SO supportive through all of this.  And Shannon, I would never have caught on if it wasn't for you.  I wouldn't have known the direction to push.  And I wouldn't have had the head start on healing that I've got.  And to my Hubby and my Kids who have, more than anyone else, truly endured the brunt of all of this...  I am such a lucky woman to be so blessed.

   So today begins the very first day of the rest of my brand new life.  Today I'm enabled to bring myself back to the person I know I am.  I take my next steps to no longer being my symptoms, because I tell you this, they take over if you let them.  There's still a road ahead of me that will have it's bumps, but today I know what direction to travel.