Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beating My Head on the Wall

   So here I am.  My back is killing me, and I love it.  It’s been a productive day outside, full of hard work, sunshine, great ideas, and dirt.  I don’t think it gets much better than that. 

   I started my seedlings early this year.  It seems determining the correct time to begin planting is a guessing game.  They always say things like, “start indoors three weeks before the last frost”.  Okay, well, last time I checked my crystal ball…. Oh wait, there isn’t one.  This year, as is often the case around here, Mother Nature even threw us a mean left hook, she gave us a last minute big ol’ snow storm.  Many people I know thought it was safe to start planting outside, and are now starting from scratch.  I guess really, you go with it, and if you have to re-sow, so be it.  So I took a gamble, and started my indoor planting, my garden babies.  Many of them are doing great.  Some, however, I’m going to have to try again.

   Last year I did so well with spinach and lettuce, this year I already killed off round one.  I’m not afraid though, they do their thing quick.  I don’t have to worry about ripening fruit or anything, so I’m all about just planting more.  Herbs, I’ve never had any luck with.  I can grow them from store bought starts, but from seed, big fat fail.  And it seems to be the case again this year.  I have, last year, grown cilantro and chives that turned out great.  This year, the chives are even resprouting, and I didn’t even tend to it at all.  I was just about to dump out the pot when I noticed the green shoots erupting from the soil.  The cilantro I planted this year is still trying, but everything else failed.  And I refuse to quit, so I’ll simply try again.  I’m hard headed like that, maybe even stupid, but I know that if I bump my head against enough walls, either I’ll kill enough brain cells to not even notice, or I’ll finally make it work.

   And this year, I’m growing a pumpkin patch.  It’s the same place in the driveway that I grew pumpkins last year.  Last year they were doing great.  I had several on these long healthy vines, and they were even beginning to grow orange, but the roots became bound in the container, and the vines begun to die off, and they couldn’t be saved.  I was so close!  So this year, I’m planting them directly into the ground. 

   Today, Hubby and I built a fence of branches and twigs around the area I’ll be planting these little bundles of joy, and I cleared out the weeds.  There is a bunch of pea gravel covering the dirt, so I believe my plan will be to shovel it all aside, amend the soil, plant the seedlings, and then roll the gravel back to let the rocks warm in the daytime sun to keep the pumpkins warm as they emerge.

   Yesterday I planted my peas and beans.  I had great results with them last year, so this year the only changes I’m making are:  less in each pot, and actually putting the cages upright this year.  Last year I nearly took out my eyes with the ends of the wire because I didn’t know I had placed them upside down.

   Last year I learned the love of sweat peas, the flower, not the edible peas.  Man, they smell good and even from a distance.  Lightly sweet, but the scent carries.  This year I’ve planted the pots for these right at the bases of my front porch, to allow the vines to grow up and wind their way around the railings and slats, giving me a wonderfully scented retreat for this summer.  I’m also hoping the smell will also drift into the house through the windows and the front door.  Much better than sprays or chemical oil warmers. 

   And, last but not least, today I planted my blueberry plants.  Someone suggested I remove them from their bags the day before I intend on planting them, clear out every bit of dirt and sawdust that I can, and soak them overnight in a root stimulant solution.  So I did.  I guess we’ll see how it goes.  I don’t expect fruit on them this year, because I know most won’t fruit in their first year, but I do hope they’ll survive to be overwintered and maybe grow some fresh berries next year.

   So, I haven’t done much of anything with it today, but I also want to mention my indoor plants.  I’m determined to make those grow as well.  I have aloe and some succulents that have survived the last year.  This year I’m trying a peace lily and several other plants that are supposed to be good for the indoor air.  And, just for the challenge of it, I’ve been told mini roses are difficult so I’m trying four or five of those as well.

   Where’s my wall?  I need to hit my head again.

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