I think that often those around me must get tired of hearing the word “garden”. Between bragging about my own, or getting the Cub Scout one on the ground, it’s a lot of work, and excitement, and it’s what I love to talk about. I know of other gardeners, we’re much like crafters, we get obsessed. Why is that? That is my thought of the day. Why am I so obsessive of anything to do with gardening?
I’ll start with how I’m physically active. Seems every year, I prove to myself there is still more and more I can do physically that I never thought of myself as strong or coordinated enough to be able to do. Last year it was hauling around big bags of dirt and containers full of soil and heavy plants. This year it’s digging in the actual ground, clearing patches of land, climbing fences, tilling soil, and balancing a very full wheelbarrow. Next year it’ll probably be building raised beds, making more permanent fencing, and gosh only knows what else. I’ve been somewhat of a weakling over the last several years. I had assumed that I’d have to surrender to making the hubby do these things for me. But through gardening, I find that I’m stronger than I thought, and getting more so every day.
I love how much I’m learning about appreciating the beauty of things previously overlooked. I never knew until a month ago what borage was. Now I’m excited to see it grow, and look forward to making flowery ice cubes with it. Onions, leeks, and chives, when left to flower are really cool looking! Pretty globe flowers that attract bees and good critters. This year I learned that mulch is helpful as well as attractive. (Would have saved me a lot of trouble last year.) I’m gaining appreciation for marigolds. I never thought they were anything special before, but this year I have them everywhere, and am still planting more. Last year it was all about scents. I fell in love with sweet peas, and night scented stock. This year I’m trying more varieties of sweet peas, other night scented flowers, and apparently my new chocolate flowers will be at their best chocolate scent in the mornings. All day long yumminess!!!
I’m learning about companion planting, how certain things planted together keep the soil in balance, and others drain so much of certain nutrients that when planted together they can’t produce anything. Some things planted together repel pests that affect the other plant. Some things planted together actually attract disease. Some things planted together make the edibles taste better, or produce more, or both!
Not all lessons are so great. Today, I learned that I’m especially sensitive to stinging nettles…
To me, the self growth I’m gaining in the dirt is so exciting, I just wish I could teach everyone the benefits of “Dirt Therapy”, and share that entheusiam with every person I know!
I’m so excited to see the boys of the Scouts at work. I see it in Boo, he’s slowly catching on and finally getting what’s so great. He was feeling down the other day, he didn’t win at something. So I took him to the Scout Garden. On the way, I explained to him that what is wonderful about going there is that it’s peaceful, quiet, and that you get to see what exactly your hard work does. He was able to see how beautiful the garden is looking, and how many plants are now growing. He was so proud that his work to help clear the weeds did so much. His confidence went way up as he held my hand and walked the grounds with me. We left calm, confident, and smiling.