Monday, May 16, 2011

The Princess writes her own schedule, apparently.

   So I’ve been seeing signs from the twins, especially the Princess, that they are ready for potty training.  They both make it through the night, most nights, with a fairly dry diaper.  They both seem to recognize when they are pooping now.  They both go longer with dry diapers.  The Princess, in particular, is getting to where she tries to tell us she’s going potty, or “icky”. 

   My thought process was to wait until the summer, so I have the time and energy, and focus on their potty training.  This morning, CJ was making poopy faces, and getting quite angry.  I asked her if she was pooping, she says, “Yeah.  Icky.  Ew!”  Okay, so usually that means to let her do her thing, and then change her soon.  But she seemed to be fighting it, and was getting increasingly more upset.  Then she chilled out.  I figured she was done, so I went to change her… and nothing was in the diaper.  So I went to put her diaper and pants back on.  BOY WAS SHE PISSSSSED!!!!  

   I let her stand up, thinking I’ll soothe her tears before trying again to put her diaper on.  She made a break for the baby gate at the hall.  I opened the baby gate, and she got herself to the toilet.  I put the potty seat there, and she proceeded to do her business on the potty.  When she was done, she finally let me redress her.

   So much for waiting until summer….

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