Thursday, April 28, 2011

I've been inspired.

   So I’ve been inspired.  Step into my way-back machine…  Way back in 2001 I purchased my home.  The backyard is large and rather undeveloped, giving me opportunity to be creative.  Sadly, I really haven’t done much with it.  One of the things that sold me on this house was the hillside behind me.  Specifically, there’s a little clearing in the trees that when I first saw, had the tents from the kids living here at the time, as they would use that as their personal little campground. 

   I have always wanted to plant that clearing with my white “fairy garden”.  All white flowers.  Lots of ‘em.  It didn’t happen.  Ten years later, I still talk about doing it.

   Move forward to last year.  For Boo’s 6th birthday we found these charming bags of wildflower seeds, and they became part of the goody bag at his birthday party.  At home he planted a bunch of seeds in a flower pot for the front deck.  Some of the included flowers were night scented stock, which are very tiny flowers that will bowl you over they have such a lovely scent in the evening.  I fell in love with them as I would surround the deck in candles, smell the night scented stock in the air, watch ferries pull in and out from the dock, and sip on some lovely wine on warm summer evenings. 

   Moving forward again, this time to last week as I sat on my computer searching for seeds for night scented stock.  While searching on the suggested searches along the side said “chocolate scented flowers”.  Sold.  I clicked and allowed Bing to search a topic that I knew was potentially dangerous to my wallet.  The first link under this search was to the Chocolate Flower Farm.  The website is beautiful, and so very inspiring.  Their garden is full of chocolate colored flowers and plants, highlighted with complimentary creams, whites, and greens.  I was already sold, when I discovered that this farm is very local to me.  As someone who would rather support local business, I was in love. 

   Present time.  Yesterday as I came home in the evening from Cub Scouts, my husband brings to me a small manila envelope with my name on it.  The return address was to the Chocolate Flower Farm.  Picture the kids in the Disneyland commercials that are being told they are going to Disneyland.  That was me. 

   This morning, as I’m going through my ten new seed packets to see what is what, I was thinking with a twinge of regret.  I had bought without a plan.  I had no idea what I would do, I have a plan for all the gazillion plants and seeds I already have.  Then it hit me… with the creams and whites that in there, with the idea of my fairy garden being a peaceful place I, as an adult, can sit and find peace in, with the fact that the chocolate colors are not at all too bright or loud to take away from that feeling… I can make my fairy garden into a chocolate/coffee/cream fairy garden.

   To further my thought along, I’ve long since wanted specific decorative trees, that I’ve never had a place for.  I do have these crummy trees in my back yard that we’ve been slowly removing, but had no idea what to replace them with.  I was always thinking of it from the direction of my back deck towards the fence, never from the other way around.  BUT, if I look at it in reverse, I can have my Japanese Maple with it’s lovely maroon leaves.  I can have a soothing weeping tree, be it a willow, a pussy willow, or a cherry.  I can have a magnolia tree with it’s lovely white blooms.  And if I plant from that direction, it will look lovely from my back deck as well, and still compliment my garden. 

   This year I’ll have a few gardens, just around the house, not including the scout garden.  My front porch will be filled with the scent of sweet peas during the day, vining up and around my railings.  At night the aromas of night scented stock, night scented phlox, and night scented tobacco will take over.  I’ll have my pumpkin patch.  I’ll have a gourd garden along my west fence.   There will be veggies scattered here and there.  But this year, I’ll also have my chocolate, coffee, and cream fairy garden.

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