Thursday, April 28, 2011

I've been inspired.

   So I’ve been inspired.  Step into my way-back machine…  Way back in 2001 I purchased my home.  The backyard is large and rather undeveloped, giving me opportunity to be creative.  Sadly, I really haven’t done much with it.  One of the things that sold me on this house was the hillside behind me.  Specifically, there’s a little clearing in the trees that when I first saw, had the tents from the kids living here at the time, as they would use that as their personal little campground. 

   I have always wanted to plant that clearing with my white “fairy garden”.  All white flowers.  Lots of ‘em.  It didn’t happen.  Ten years later, I still talk about doing it.

   Move forward to last year.  For Boo’s 6th birthday we found these charming bags of wildflower seeds, and they became part of the goody bag at his birthday party.  At home he planted a bunch of seeds in a flower pot for the front deck.  Some of the included flowers were night scented stock, which are very tiny flowers that will bowl you over they have such a lovely scent in the evening.  I fell in love with them as I would surround the deck in candles, smell the night scented stock in the air, watch ferries pull in and out from the dock, and sip on some lovely wine on warm summer evenings. 

   Moving forward again, this time to last week as I sat on my computer searching for seeds for night scented stock.  While searching on the suggested searches along the side said “chocolate scented flowers”.  Sold.  I clicked and allowed Bing to search a topic that I knew was potentially dangerous to my wallet.  The first link under this search was to the Chocolate Flower Farm.  The website is beautiful, and so very inspiring.  Their garden is full of chocolate colored flowers and plants, highlighted with complimentary creams, whites, and greens.  I was already sold, when I discovered that this farm is very local to me.  As someone who would rather support local business, I was in love. 

   Present time.  Yesterday as I came home in the evening from Cub Scouts, my husband brings to me a small manila envelope with my name on it.  The return address was to the Chocolate Flower Farm.  Picture the kids in the Disneyland commercials that are being told they are going to Disneyland.  That was me. 

   This morning, as I’m going through my ten new seed packets to see what is what, I was thinking with a twinge of regret.  I had bought without a plan.  I had no idea what I would do, I have a plan for all the gazillion plants and seeds I already have.  Then it hit me… with the creams and whites that in there, with the idea of my fairy garden being a peaceful place I, as an adult, can sit and find peace in, with the fact that the chocolate colors are not at all too bright or loud to take away from that feeling… I can make my fairy garden into a chocolate/coffee/cream fairy garden.

   To further my thought along, I’ve long since wanted specific decorative trees, that I’ve never had a place for.  I do have these crummy trees in my back yard that we’ve been slowly removing, but had no idea what to replace them with.  I was always thinking of it from the direction of my back deck towards the fence, never from the other way around.  BUT, if I look at it in reverse, I can have my Japanese Maple with it’s lovely maroon leaves.  I can have a soothing weeping tree, be it a willow, a pussy willow, or a cherry.  I can have a magnolia tree with it’s lovely white blooms.  And if I plant from that direction, it will look lovely from my back deck as well, and still compliment my garden. 

   This year I’ll have a few gardens, just around the house, not including the scout garden.  My front porch will be filled with the scent of sweet peas during the day, vining up and around my railings.  At night the aromas of night scented stock, night scented phlox, and night scented tobacco will take over.  I’ll have my pumpkin patch.  I’ll have a gourd garden along my west fence.   There will be veggies scattered here and there.  But this year, I’ll also have my chocolate, coffee, and cream fairy garden.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

   Today’s Easter, just in case you missed the memo.  We didn’t, we just got lazy.  Usually our Easter woks something like this:  The day before, we head out to a local church for their egg hunt.  The day of, we have Easter baskets, and the kids get hopped up on the sugar because I forget to pay attention to just how much candy the Easter Bunny purchased.  Then, that’s pretty much it.  Sometimes, I make a bit of ham.  Not often.  We just pretty much use it as a day to give the kids a little fun.

   This year was a tad different.  First of all, as I explained to Boo, the Easter Bunny, unlike Santa, doesn’t have a big storage/toy shop.  The Easter Bunny has the corner on the cheap toy market.  So, that being said, most of their little treats this year came from the WalMart cheap Easter Toy selection.  Amazing, they’re thrilled and all but one are still working.  LOL.  Sadly he bought the Bug a little remote control car and it didn’t work even as we first took it from the package.  But, as it was for the Bug, he couldn’t care less.  We just remove the controller and the wire… I think it cost like three bucks anyhow.  The twins both got a silly carrot golf club with a ball and golf hole.  The Princess got a little pretty little girl figure and some hair “pretties”.  Bug got the car and a little frog jumping game.  Both twins also got little Monchichi’s with cave person suits, and a single egg with M&Ms.  Boo got only three eggs with candy.  One M&Ms , one Pop Rocks, and one with Skittles.  Then he got a mini spirograph, a mini etch a sketch, a little cheap badmitton game (Just plastic raquets and silly birdies), two yo-yo’s, and a batman figure that he gave to Bug because he felt bad that Bug’s car didn’t work.  Did I mention I have the world’s greatest kids?

   But in our house, the Easter Bunny has a sense of humor.  Sticking out of Boo’s Easter basket was one of those bamboo back scratchers.  The deluxe model, with the little carved nubby massage wheels.  Not something you’d expect in a kid’s colorful basket.  He’s been obsessed with the one that sits on his Grandfather’s fireplace mantle ever since he was a tiny tot.  Every time we head over there, he just has to make a bee line to the back scratcher.  So while shopping for paper Easter Grass, the Bunny saw these scratchers on display.  Totally thinking it’d be about $5 or so, the Bunny Dude picked it up anyhow, knowing how loved this little stick of sillyness would be appreciated.  It rang up at 99 cents.  Sure enough, it’s the kid’s favorite part of his basket.

   So I was crawling out of bed, listening to Boo’s squeals of delight, when the phone rang.  I saw the neighbor’s name on the caller ID.  By neighbor, I mean the one who calls with her nut case complaints all the time.  I hollered out to Hubby, “Are you serious?  She’s calling to complain about what now?  It’s flippin’ Easter morning for crying out loud!”  I ate my words shortly.

   The neighbors set up an Easter Egg hunt all along the side of the house for Harlan.  Some had money (totaling 7 dollars for his 7 year birthday) and some with jelly beans (that he shared with the twins).  We told him that Mrs. M called to complain because as the Easter Bunny left, he left a mess all over outside, and that she wants us to clean it up, so he’s going to have to go outside.  LOL.  He was thrilled.  Good thing too, because we had forgotten to set the alarm yesterday morning, and missed his usual egg hunt.  It was really sweet and very special.  Boo called Mrs. M back to tell her, “Thank you for calling and telling us about the mess the Easter Bunny left.”  And she told him she loves him.  She’s nutty, and full of drama, but I have to hand it to her, she loves, and has always loved, that kid of mine.

  Oh, and then it was fun in the kitchen time for me.  I haven’t had much energy to go nuts in the kitchen, like I’m well known for.  But today I got inspired.   While out looking for the grass for the baskets, I saw crepes for sale, a package of 10 for $6!!!!  No flipping way.  So suddenly I decided breakfast for this morning would be a crepes selection.  Never made crepes before, but it didn’t look too tough.  For the kids, I filled them with strawberries, and some with strawberries and bananas, and topped them with some sweetened vanilla sour cream.  For the grown-ups, I sautéed up mushrooms, onions, garlic and ham as a filling and made an incredible white sauce with some zing.  The breakfast was a hit.

   Dinner we went back to the Bahamas with flavors, with a touch of Italy in there as well.  Sounds weird, but it worked well.  While on vacation I picked up a bottle of seasoning from the Bahamas.  It’s an interesting mix of salt, pepper, hot peppers, whole cloves, and gosh only knows what else.  I marinated some shrimp in fresh lime juice and the seasoning while I cooked up some coconut rice seasoned with cinnamon sticks, cardamom, lemon grass, and turmeric.  HELLO YUMMY!!!!  I also made (this is where the Italian part comes in.) stuffed mushrooms as a side dish.  Yeah, happy family.  LOL.

   Throughout the day I worked the home garden.  Okay, well, not outside, but indoors.  I’m happy to say the latest batch of garden babies are doing well.  Hopefully these ones will live.  This is my fourth replanting this year.  Mother nature really needs to make up her mind, dang it!  Several of the scout seeds I had to replant are doing well.  Some still aren’t, but THAT part was to be expected, some will do well, some won’t.  That was part of the experiment.  I replanted two 36  spot trays full of seedlings!  J  Maybe this year I’ll finally have some successful luffa?

   Watched some Disney movies, and now we’re just watching some tv and the twins playing, Hubby is enjoying a microbrew I found for him to try, and I’m realizing that I’m old… because I have to dilute my Kool-Aide now or it’s too damned sweet…

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Boo's Birthday

   Yesterday was my eldest son’s birthday.  He turned 7.  Usually, we will throw a kids party for him and his friends, and then do another smaller dinner party with his Nana, Oompa, Uncle and Aunt.  This year, we couldn’t afford the kid’s party, so we chose to celebrate his birthday while on our family cruise.
   He’s been looking forward to the cruise ever since we first ran the idea past him, and it was a total hit.  He got to fly, he got to go to another state, a foreign country, sail on a ship, play on a water slide, and have a blast at Camp Carnival.  For his birthday, he got his family.  Not just us, but Aunts, Uncles, Great Grandmother, Cousins… and he’s still talking about them all and what fun he had.  He thought that was plenty enough, but the last day out, we surprised him with a cake at dinner.  The entire cruise, I’d been hearing people in the dining room sing happy birthday to their friends and family, but when Boo’s turn came around, it was LOUD in that place.  J  He was way overly thrilled.  My Uncle is a magician, and he brought out the tricks.  At first Boo didn’t look too excited at the result of the magic Uncle J, but I know now that it was because he was stumped.  LOL.  He’s still bragging how his Uncle is magic, and how he gave Boo a magic hat.  It has it’s own spot hanging up in his room, and he keeps trying to convince me to let him bring it to school to show off.
   His GG found a fantastic glow in the dark pirate shirt that the kid wouldn’t even take off if I didn’t force him in order to launder it.  All kinds of treats from the family.  (They only just met him and they’re already so good to him.  I knew they were pretty cool for a reason.  LOL)
   Anyhow, so now we’re home.  In two weeks, his siblings will turn two.  I focused so much on the cruise, and the up coming birthdays of the twins, I totally forgot to get him something for his birthday.  I thought I’d already done so.  Normally we spoil him with so many things, he gets tired of unwrapping them before he’s even done.   I felt terrible.  I spent yesterday running around like mad, hitting up the local specialty (read “expensive”) kids store for presents, the local Hallmark for cards, streamers, and a Happy Birthday Banner, and his favorite grocery store for a mini one-bite cupcake and a chocolate covered strawberry.  (He’s not huge on cake, but strawberries….) 
   I put up streamers all over the house and the banner on the garage door.  Put a red “H” candle in the cupcake and put it all on a red plate.  I wrapped the whole three presents I selected for him, thinking for sure he’d be disappointed.  As they were last minute gifts, I wasn’t sure any of them would be a hit either.  There is a learning how to navigate kit for kids, a worm farm kit, and a wooden bow and arrow kit with suction cup arrows so he has his big fancy one, and then just a toy one he can actually play with. 
   Hubby picked up Boo from school and gave him a ride home on his motorcycle, and he was immediately thrilled by the outdoor decorations.  Twinnies weren’t home yet, so we had a mini party before I had to run off to school, singing happy birthday over the mini cupcake, and opening presents.  Three presents to a little boy who is used to stacks, and he was overjoyed!  He fell in love with each and every item.  He and his Daddy get to do the navigation bit.  He and I will work the Worm Farm.  He already got to play with the bow and arrows, which seem to be sturdy enough to hold up to him for a while.  As Hubbs had to run off to pick up the twins, Boo dropped his presents on the ground to tearfully give me a hug, squealing that I’m “the best Mommy that I’ve ever seen in my whole life Mom!!!  Better than anybody else’s!”
   Yeah, I pretty much love that kid.  Oh, and that worm farm, I’ve checked it out, and I think y’all are going to be hearing more about it… ‘cause it’s pretty cool.
   He’d been telling me that it’s okay to share his birthday with his babies.  He didn’t expect much.  He wasn’t selfish, never whined that he didn’t get a kid’s party, none of the things I expect from a kid his age who’s used to being spoiled.  I’m just so proud.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

And so it begins... Day one Vacation 2011

   It’s the middle of our second night out to sea.  Two o’clock in the morning, home time, and God only knows what time that makes it here.  I’ve been up most of the night, not because I’ve been partying it up, but because my twinies won’t let me sleep.  So after a while, I noticed my thoughts going into a replay of the last few days, and I thought I might take advantage of the moment to put them to digital “paper”. 
   Day 1- Babies First Flights
   We were supposed to leave at midnight.  We left at two.  Car packed with three checked bags, one stroller, three carry-ons, and all of us.  Somewhere I found out that we didn’t have enough shorts for the Bug, so on top of being two hours behind schedule, we needed a stop at the 24 hour WalMart. 
   Somehow we still managed to pull in to Sea-Tac in plenty of time, and parked at the long term parking.  The nice lady driving the shuttle even came out from the shuttle parking and moved the van to where we could load our bags directly from the car with no problems. 
   There was a line to check in to the airline… Southwest, fly the open skylight.  But we still managed to get through that quickly and moved on to the dreaded security.  I’ve heard horror stories about full body scanners, and strip searches… I am aware that liquids are limited as to what is allowed through, but the twins require soy milk, so I was having to try to get that through.  The doctor kindly wrote notes to vouch for their need for the soy… that I forgot in the car.  Yeah, security was a breeze.  They made us x-ray everything, of course.  They were thorough about that.  We declared the baby products, and they laugh and told us not to worry.  It went through the x-ray, and then a quick liquid scan that didn’t even require opening the package.  We walked through the metal detector with no shoes, and we were on our merry way.  Huh.  Who woulda thought?
   So there we were, hauling the Bug and the Princess in their car seats, through the entire airport to our gate… which was crowded.  The five of us wound up sitting around a kids table, just to have a place to sit.  Another gentleman sat with us, a guy with two boys one girl of his own back at home, and was in the Coast Guard.  He had fun playing with the kids and keeping them entertained for a while.  Boarding went smooth, we were like the 70’th-75th people on board, so we took over two rows to ourselves, seating the babies in the car seats by the windows.  Each flight worked out pretty much the same on that whole process.  Each flight was also completely packed. 
   Time for takeoff, and I’m waiting for screaming babies.  Nope, they were thrilled.  The both of them felt the difference when we started heading down the runway, and were so excited to see us take off and fly.  Big smiles and ooh’s and ah’s from both of them.  The sun was rising at the time, so they had a lovely color to their faces.  I took pictures…. Too bad I lost my damned iPod that the pictures are on…
   A few hours later we landed in Vegas, for about an hour and ½ layover, no biggie, and off we were, to Nashville.  Okay, we didn’t even get off the plane there, but hey, we were there.  Some passengers got off, some came on, and we took off again, this time for Charleston, South Carolina.
   From Vegas to Charleston I was seated between the Princess and a very nice lady who is in the Army and flying home from training in San Diego.  She loved the Princess, and we had a great time.  During our stop in Nashville, the plane was over booked by one seat.  The last person was an injured Army soldier, on his crutches, in his uniform.  Now I know as well as the next guy that he very likely could have been hurt in an off time incident, playing basket ball or what not, but still, it struck heartstrings through the plane.  He had no seat, and they were asking for volunteers to give up a seat.  Southwest offered the volunteer a $500 voucher transferrable and good for a year, plus his guaranteed seat on a plane the next day, and free hotel and rental car for the evening.  The volunteer was applauded on his way off, and the soldier was applauded and given a standing ovation on his way on.  Kinda cool, really.
   Our landing in Charleston was nothing short of terrifying.  I guess it was gusty out, though I didn’t feel it later as we were standing outside, nor did the windsocks show much sign of it.  Anyhow, so we landed ridiculously hard, and then the pilot even struggled to keep us on the runway, because we kept veering off to the left until we finally slowed to a manageable speed.  Once he had control, he got on the intercom and simply said, “ouch!”.  Okay, we all laughed and forgave him, but I can tell you that I believe a few armrests have permanent finger marks where we were all gripping so tightly.
   Now Charleston was interesting from the start.  Walking off the airplane and into the airport, I felt like I was in one of those 60’s or 70’s shows where there’s a lawyer or a private eye following a lead on some crazy case they are working on…  Kept looking for Columbo to pop his head around the corner oin a hurry and on the case.  Something about the décor just reminded me of that.  Stepped outside to the taxi stand, and we hired a shuttle to get us to the hotel.  John, the nice man who drove the van, took very good care of us.  We made sure to get his card.  He was full of helpful hints and information.
   The hotel was under construction, and our room still smelled of new carpet and paint, but it wasn’t too awful.  People were friendly at least.  We were dead tired and in need of food, and the gal, Vicky, running the front desk directed us to Bucks pizza.  Hello delivery!  And wow, seriously, fantastic pizza! 
   A shower after dinner, and it was lights out, because we were going to need our energy for the craziness that would be the Schmelzer family reunion cruise. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Starting work and planning for more.

   So we went and worked in the Cub Scouts garden for the very first time today.  I couldn’t wait to get my hands dirty.  We got the chance to show the Pack Leader and the other Tiger den’s leader the ins and outs of the place, and was happy that they were thrilled with the location as well.  We came up with ideas on how to divvy up the plot for the dens and where to replant some of the existing plants and have them still thrive.
   After the grand tour, and the introduction to Mrs. Sylvia, the lady who runs the garden, the other leaders were on their way, but the Eldest and I stuck around to start work on the weeds and moving some of the existing plants that are not unwanted.  We did nearly a third of the plot in two hours.  Eldest got to learn how great worms are for the soil, and how wonderful it is that there are a bunch of them in our plot.  It was fun to sit back and watch him play with them. 
    The starters we’ve already planted for Den 1 are growing like crazy.  I think I’ll have some of the boys plant their beans here soon, because they are out growing their current location. 
   There is also a spot that will go generally unused because of the water spout in the area, I think I’ll plant some sunflowers over there for the fun of it, and to keep it pretty. 

   As far as my own garden, not much is going on at this point.  I did, however, today clear a spot in the back yard, and added 2 cubic feet of fresh topsoil to be my potato and shallots garden.  I planted three Yukon Gold seed potatoes and a handful of shallots.  I’ll add more soil as the potatoes start to grow.  I hope next year to add some German Butterballs.  They just sound yummy.
   I do have some annuals out front that need to be planted before I leave for cruise so they will survive my vacation.  I have also finally bought a white calla lily plant, I’ve always wanted one, and need to get that done up before we leave as well. 
   When I moved in, my neighbor gave me a large metal tub that has mostly collected weeds all these years.  I think maybe this year I’ll clean it out and plant a carrot, beet, and radish garden.  Hmmmm….