Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

   Today’s Easter, just in case you missed the memo.  We didn’t, we just got lazy.  Usually our Easter woks something like this:  The day before, we head out to a local church for their egg hunt.  The day of, we have Easter baskets, and the kids get hopped up on the sugar because I forget to pay attention to just how much candy the Easter Bunny purchased.  Then, that’s pretty much it.  Sometimes, I make a bit of ham.  Not often.  We just pretty much use it as a day to give the kids a little fun.

   This year was a tad different.  First of all, as I explained to Boo, the Easter Bunny, unlike Santa, doesn’t have a big storage/toy shop.  The Easter Bunny has the corner on the cheap toy market.  So, that being said, most of their little treats this year came from the WalMart cheap Easter Toy selection.  Amazing, they’re thrilled and all but one are still working.  LOL.  Sadly he bought the Bug a little remote control car and it didn’t work even as we first took it from the package.  But, as it was for the Bug, he couldn’t care less.  We just remove the controller and the wire… I think it cost like three bucks anyhow.  The twins both got a silly carrot golf club with a ball and golf hole.  The Princess got a little pretty little girl figure and some hair “pretties”.  Bug got the car and a little frog jumping game.  Both twins also got little Monchichi’s with cave person suits, and a single egg with M&Ms.  Boo got only three eggs with candy.  One M&Ms , one Pop Rocks, and one with Skittles.  Then he got a mini spirograph, a mini etch a sketch, a little cheap badmitton game (Just plastic raquets and silly birdies), two yo-yo’s, and a batman figure that he gave to Bug because he felt bad that Bug’s car didn’t work.  Did I mention I have the world’s greatest kids?

   But in our house, the Easter Bunny has a sense of humor.  Sticking out of Boo’s Easter basket was one of those bamboo back scratchers.  The deluxe model, with the little carved nubby massage wheels.  Not something you’d expect in a kid’s colorful basket.  He’s been obsessed with the one that sits on his Grandfather’s fireplace mantle ever since he was a tiny tot.  Every time we head over there, he just has to make a bee line to the back scratcher.  So while shopping for paper Easter Grass, the Bunny saw these scratchers on display.  Totally thinking it’d be about $5 or so, the Bunny Dude picked it up anyhow, knowing how loved this little stick of sillyness would be appreciated.  It rang up at 99 cents.  Sure enough, it’s the kid’s favorite part of his basket.

   So I was crawling out of bed, listening to Boo’s squeals of delight, when the phone rang.  I saw the neighbor’s name on the caller ID.  By neighbor, I mean the one who calls with her nut case complaints all the time.  I hollered out to Hubby, “Are you serious?  She’s calling to complain about what now?  It’s flippin’ Easter morning for crying out loud!”  I ate my words shortly.

   The neighbors set up an Easter Egg hunt all along the side of the house for Harlan.  Some had money (totaling 7 dollars for his 7 year birthday) and some with jelly beans (that he shared with the twins).  We told him that Mrs. M called to complain because as the Easter Bunny left, he left a mess all over outside, and that she wants us to clean it up, so he’s going to have to go outside.  LOL.  He was thrilled.  Good thing too, because we had forgotten to set the alarm yesterday morning, and missed his usual egg hunt.  It was really sweet and very special.  Boo called Mrs. M back to tell her, “Thank you for calling and telling us about the mess the Easter Bunny left.”  And she told him she loves him.  She’s nutty, and full of drama, but I have to hand it to her, she loves, and has always loved, that kid of mine.

  Oh, and then it was fun in the kitchen time for me.  I haven’t had much energy to go nuts in the kitchen, like I’m well known for.  But today I got inspired.   While out looking for the grass for the baskets, I saw crepes for sale, a package of 10 for $6!!!!  No flipping way.  So suddenly I decided breakfast for this morning would be a crepes selection.  Never made crepes before, but it didn’t look too tough.  For the kids, I filled them with strawberries, and some with strawberries and bananas, and topped them with some sweetened vanilla sour cream.  For the grown-ups, I sautéed up mushrooms, onions, garlic and ham as a filling and made an incredible white sauce with some zing.  The breakfast was a hit.

   Dinner we went back to the Bahamas with flavors, with a touch of Italy in there as well.  Sounds weird, but it worked well.  While on vacation I picked up a bottle of seasoning from the Bahamas.  It’s an interesting mix of salt, pepper, hot peppers, whole cloves, and gosh only knows what else.  I marinated some shrimp in fresh lime juice and the seasoning while I cooked up some coconut rice seasoned with cinnamon sticks, cardamom, lemon grass, and turmeric.  HELLO YUMMY!!!!  I also made (this is where the Italian part comes in.) stuffed mushrooms as a side dish.  Yeah, happy family.  LOL.

   Throughout the day I worked the home garden.  Okay, well, not outside, but indoors.  I’m happy to say the latest batch of garden babies are doing well.  Hopefully these ones will live.  This is my fourth replanting this year.  Mother nature really needs to make up her mind, dang it!  Several of the scout seeds I had to replant are doing well.  Some still aren’t, but THAT part was to be expected, some will do well, some won’t.  That was part of the experiment.  I replanted two 36  spot trays full of seedlings!  J  Maybe this year I’ll finally have some successful luffa?

   Watched some Disney movies, and now we’re just watching some tv and the twins playing, Hubby is enjoying a microbrew I found for him to try, and I’m realizing that I’m old… because I have to dilute my Kool-Aide now or it’s too damned sweet…

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