Sunday, April 3, 2011

Starting work and planning for more.

   So we went and worked in the Cub Scouts garden for the very first time today.  I couldn’t wait to get my hands dirty.  We got the chance to show the Pack Leader and the other Tiger den’s leader the ins and outs of the place, and was happy that they were thrilled with the location as well.  We came up with ideas on how to divvy up the plot for the dens and where to replant some of the existing plants and have them still thrive.
   After the grand tour, and the introduction to Mrs. Sylvia, the lady who runs the garden, the other leaders were on their way, but the Eldest and I stuck around to start work on the weeds and moving some of the existing plants that are not unwanted.  We did nearly a third of the plot in two hours.  Eldest got to learn how great worms are for the soil, and how wonderful it is that there are a bunch of them in our plot.  It was fun to sit back and watch him play with them. 
    The starters we’ve already planted for Den 1 are growing like crazy.  I think I’ll have some of the boys plant their beans here soon, because they are out growing their current location. 
   There is also a spot that will go generally unused because of the water spout in the area, I think I’ll plant some sunflowers over there for the fun of it, and to keep it pretty. 

   As far as my own garden, not much is going on at this point.  I did, however, today clear a spot in the back yard, and added 2 cubic feet of fresh topsoil to be my potato and shallots garden.  I planted three Yukon Gold seed potatoes and a handful of shallots.  I’ll add more soil as the potatoes start to grow.  I hope next year to add some German Butterballs.  They just sound yummy.
   I do have some annuals out front that need to be planted before I leave for cruise so they will survive my vacation.  I have also finally bought a white calla lily plant, I’ve always wanted one, and need to get that done up before we leave as well. 
   When I moved in, my neighbor gave me a large metal tub that has mostly collected weeds all these years.  I think maybe this year I’ll clean it out and plant a carrot, beet, and radish garden.  Hmmmm….

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