Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Boo's Birthday

   Yesterday was my eldest son’s birthday.  He turned 7.  Usually, we will throw a kids party for him and his friends, and then do another smaller dinner party with his Nana, Oompa, Uncle and Aunt.  This year, we couldn’t afford the kid’s party, so we chose to celebrate his birthday while on our family cruise.
   He’s been looking forward to the cruise ever since we first ran the idea past him, and it was a total hit.  He got to fly, he got to go to another state, a foreign country, sail on a ship, play on a water slide, and have a blast at Camp Carnival.  For his birthday, he got his family.  Not just us, but Aunts, Uncles, Great Grandmother, Cousins… and he’s still talking about them all and what fun he had.  He thought that was plenty enough, but the last day out, we surprised him with a cake at dinner.  The entire cruise, I’d been hearing people in the dining room sing happy birthday to their friends and family, but when Boo’s turn came around, it was LOUD in that place.  J  He was way overly thrilled.  My Uncle is a magician, and he brought out the tricks.  At first Boo didn’t look too excited at the result of the magic Uncle J, but I know now that it was because he was stumped.  LOL.  He’s still bragging how his Uncle is magic, and how he gave Boo a magic hat.  It has it’s own spot hanging up in his room, and he keeps trying to convince me to let him bring it to school to show off.
   His GG found a fantastic glow in the dark pirate shirt that the kid wouldn’t even take off if I didn’t force him in order to launder it.  All kinds of treats from the family.  (They only just met him and they’re already so good to him.  I knew they were pretty cool for a reason.  LOL)
   Anyhow, so now we’re home.  In two weeks, his siblings will turn two.  I focused so much on the cruise, and the up coming birthdays of the twins, I totally forgot to get him something for his birthday.  I thought I’d already done so.  Normally we spoil him with so many things, he gets tired of unwrapping them before he’s even done.   I felt terrible.  I spent yesterday running around like mad, hitting up the local specialty (read “expensive”) kids store for presents, the local Hallmark for cards, streamers, and a Happy Birthday Banner, and his favorite grocery store for a mini one-bite cupcake and a chocolate covered strawberry.  (He’s not huge on cake, but strawberries….) 
   I put up streamers all over the house and the banner on the garage door.  Put a red “H” candle in the cupcake and put it all on a red plate.  I wrapped the whole three presents I selected for him, thinking for sure he’d be disappointed.  As they were last minute gifts, I wasn’t sure any of them would be a hit either.  There is a learning how to navigate kit for kids, a worm farm kit, and a wooden bow and arrow kit with suction cup arrows so he has his big fancy one, and then just a toy one he can actually play with. 
   Hubby picked up Boo from school and gave him a ride home on his motorcycle, and he was immediately thrilled by the outdoor decorations.  Twinnies weren’t home yet, so we had a mini party before I had to run off to school, singing happy birthday over the mini cupcake, and opening presents.  Three presents to a little boy who is used to stacks, and he was overjoyed!  He fell in love with each and every item.  He and his Daddy get to do the navigation bit.  He and I will work the Worm Farm.  He already got to play with the bow and arrows, which seem to be sturdy enough to hold up to him for a while.  As Hubbs had to run off to pick up the twins, Boo dropped his presents on the ground to tearfully give me a hug, squealing that I’m “the best Mommy that I’ve ever seen in my whole life Mom!!!  Better than anybody else’s!”
   Yeah, I pretty much love that kid.  Oh, and that worm farm, I’ve checked it out, and I think y’all are going to be hearing more about it… ‘cause it’s pretty cool.
   He’d been telling me that it’s okay to share his birthday with his babies.  He didn’t expect much.  He wasn’t selfish, never whined that he didn’t get a kid’s party, none of the things I expect from a kid his age who’s used to being spoiled.  I’m just so proud.

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